
1900年頃に登場したボタンダウンシャツは スポーティーなデザインがアイビーリーガーに好まれ、アメリカで一つのスタイルを確立した。後年、その人気はアメリカからヨーロッパ、日本の学生にまで広がり、現在では立派にドレスシヤツとしての役割を果たすようになった。色・柄・素材により、守備範囲は実に幅広い。


A simple button-down shirt.

A sporty design was liked by Ivy Leaguer, and the button-down shirt which came up in around 1900 established one style in the United States. The popularity got wide to Europe, a Japanese student later from the United States and came to play a role as the dress shirt magnificently now. By a color, a pattern, material, the field is really wide.

Because the affinity with a tie and the jacket is good, and a beautiful roll (slow curve) occurs in neck of me, even a business scene is used willingly.

Material: cotton 97% polyurethane 3%
Size: one (length 69.4cm/chest 52cm/shoulder width 42.7cm/sleeve 64.4cm)

Minimum quantity: 50-(1/¥7800)








— About the making of the 3D item —

A change of the material and cloth, the change of the color of the thread, an attached change, size adjustment are possible.

I suggest it along various requests immediately on 3D because a change is possible.

The product image is the basic pattern, cloth, design which we suggest.

If change simple specifications (addition of a breast pocket and the flap, right and left change of the fastening in front, change of the length); by a case

I can cope immediately. (※as I may not do it depending on  pattern, please consult each time.)

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